
Here we provide the convenience of locating our resort by providing a detailed map for travelling directions. Also included is an internal map plan of our resort.

Our resort is situated at 56.8KM of the Lebuhraya Kuala Lumpur / Karak, Bentong, Pahang Darul Makmur.

     •  From KL to Bentong - 56.8 KM of Kuala Lumpur / Karak Highway

     •  From Bentong to KL - 4 km from Bentong Toll

     •  From Hutan Lipur Lentang - 5.5km

View our Dusun Eco Resort Floor Plan


View our Desa Rimba Floor Plan


 Our Best Rates

We offer packages that provide accommodation and facilities at very reasonable prices

Download Rates Sheet in .PDF


At Dusun Eco Resort, we strive to provide activities that will help develop the participant both mentally and physically.

      •  Obstacles Courses
      •  Jungle Trekking
      •  Rock Climbing

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